Saturday Nine: The Longest Time
= Saturday, August 15, 2009 =
1. What's the longest time that you've waited to meet your date? Almost a decade ago. I had a bf who made me wait for more than Two hours. And I ended up going to his house to see what happened. He was stoned.
2. What's the longest time that you've waited for a job interview? A month. But I had work then too, so time was not that long then. I just quit a job when the new one gave me papers to sign. So technically, there was no vacant time in between jobs for me.
3. What's the longest time that you've waited to have sex the first time with someone? LOL nice question, I don't really wait that long if I WANT someone. Ha!
4. What's the longest time that you've not gone out on the town? Ohhh... 3 weeks! When I had a car accident. It was simply impossible to go about with my aching legs!
5. What's the longest time that you've worked without a break? One full day. No breaks, too much pressure at work I only step out of the room to pee. I litarally have to eat on my desk!
6. What's the longest time that you've not posted on your blog? On my other blog that I removed the link from here. A colleague caught me and I just can't risk it, since I prefer to stay in my anonoymity.
7. What's the longest time that you've been on the computer? 24 hours! Ha... I was trying to design a blog and some codes just takes hours to find and implement! LOL
8. What's the longest time that you've waited for a friend? Oh lost count of the years. I had a best guy friend in college and I just seem to wait for him until now... Sad huh.
9. What's the longest time that you've gone without food? Hmm, if crackers and liquid drinks don't count, 3 days. I was on a diet but I simply cannot resist pesto. That broke my supposedly one week without food!
Simply retouched @ 7:04 PM